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2 Alarm CableLok

Due to manufacturer's restrictions, this product may not be sold online. Please call 866-416-0999 or email info@AmTheft.com for pricing.

A second generation alarm secured cable that's flexible enough to secure almost any large or small item with a handle or opening.alpha 2 alarm cablelok short

Open merchandising gives your customer the freedom to move around the store without the assistance of a salesperson. Eliminates the need for hard to manage line alarm systems.


Features & Benefits

  • Eliminates the need for hard wire cabling and power in wired systems
  • Easy attachment and removal
  • Flashing LED ight & speaker provides strong visual deterrent
  • Loud 95 dba alarm provides early detection if compromised
  • 2 sizes for flexiblity
  • long 5 year battery life expecancy
  • Available for both RF (8.2 mHz, Checkpoint compatible) and AM (Sensormatic compatible) EAS systems
  • 25 per case


  Suggested Applications Alpha Prod. No.
Alarm Secured
Blister packages, backpacks, luggage, purses,
camera bags, briefcases, sports equipment, power tools, grills
Alarm Secured
Coats, dresses, men’s and women’s suits  AM2CLXLNDL

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This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Please call 866-416-0999 or email info@AmTheft.com for recommended alternatives.
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Due to manufacturer's restrictions, please call 866-416-0999 or email info@AmTheft.com for pricing.
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