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> Checkpoint Tags & Labels

Whether you are trying to protect designer gowns or ground meat, only Checkpoint's broad range of tags and labels gives you to tools to guard against the theft of virtually any product.

Click on a category below to learn about genuine Checkpoint tags and labels to work with your Radio Frequency (RF) electronic anti-shoplifting system.

If you're not sure which tags will work best with your anti-theft efforts, give American Theft Protection Products a call at 866-416-0999. We'll help you protect your inventory

Checkpoint Disposable Labels group

Low cost, paper thin, adhesive backed labels for Checkpoint EAS systems, as small as 1" sq. Protect easily pocketed, high shrinkage items.

Checkpoint Hard Tags

Reusable hard tags provide maximum protection in a variety of syles for apparel and high value merchandise.

Checkpoint accessories

Pins, Detatchers, Lanyards, Cables and other tools for your Checkpoint EAS system.

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 Product(s):
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Alpha Mini Needlelok at AmericanTheftPrevention.com

Protect Fine Fabrics

  • Undergarments
  • Athletic wear
  • Fine Apparel
  • Swim Wear
  • Light & Thin Fabrics
Due to manufacturer's restrictions, this product may not be sold online. Please call 866-416-0999 or email info@AmTheft.com for pricing.
Featured Products
Attractive Plexiglas design and integrated LED Lights
Call American Theft Prevention Products at 866-416-0999 to learn about Checkpoint Systems EAS in your store.

Harley-Davidson Dealers

American Theft Prevention Products
for negotiated national discounts
on Checkpoint EAS supplies.