Contact American Theft Prevention Products, Inc.
Based in the Chicago area, American Theft Prevention Products serves retailers nationwide.
For sales, service and general information, please call:
Telephone: 847-972-6540
Toll Free: 866-416-0999
Fax: 866-416-9251
If we're working with another customer, we'll return your call as soon as possible.
Shipping and Receiving:
American Theft Prevention Products, Inc.
2906 Central St.
Unit 244
Evanston, IL 60201
Checkpoint Systems Warranty or Repair Service - National service
For Service on Checkpoint Systems: Call or email at the above numbers.
STOP Security Plates:
To report Lost or Found equipment (or to transfer product registration) tagged with a STOP security plate:
call 1-800-488-STOP (7867) (24 hours a day)
To register equipment tagged with STOP security plates:
Click here to learn about Jeffrey Dov Greenspan for Judge, 9th subcircuit, Cook County, Illiinois