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Contact Us

Contact American Theft Prevention Products, Inc.

Based in the Chicago area, American Theft Prevention Products serves retailers nationwide.

For sales, service and general information, please call:

Telephone:  847-972-6540

Toll Free:  866-416-0999

Fax:  866-416-9251

email:  info@AmTheft.com

If we're working with another customer, we'll return your call as soon as possible.

Shipping and Receiving:

American Theft Prevention Products, Inc.
2906 Central St.
Unit 244
Evanston, IL 60201

Checkpoint Systems Warranty or Repair Service - National service

For Service on Checkpoint Systems:  Call or email at the above numbers.

STOP Security Plates:

To report Lost or Found equipment (or to transfer product registration) tagged with a STOP security plate: 
call 1-800-488-STOP (7867) (24 hours a day)
online:  https://www.stoptheft.com/site/lostandfound.php

To register equipment tagged with STOP security plates:


Click here to learn about Jeffrey Dov Greenspan for Judge, 9th subcircuit, Cook County, Illiinois

Featured Products
Checkpoint Classic N10 EAS Antenna for compact spaces
Due to manufacturer's restrictions, this product may not be sold online. Please call 866-416-0999 or email info@AmTheft.com for pricing.

Harley-Davidson Dealers

American Theft Prevention Products
for negotiated national discounts
on Checkpoint EAS supplies.