For more than 35 years, Alpha Security Products has been a leader in the area of high theft protection.
Open Merchandising - Pioneers in the area of "Open Display Security."
Innovative Solutions
3 Alarm Technologies
Technology Neutral - Alpha offers solutions that work with all the leading Electronic Article Surveillance technologies
RF (Radio Frequency - Checkpoint & compatible)
AM (Acusto- Magnetic - Sensormatic & compatible)
Protect your products - focus on the products subject to high shrink
Easy to use - We recognize, that if they don't get used, they don't protect
Cost effective - Provide immediate results with a payoff in months, not years.
Quick return on investment - The goal of theft prevention is to improve your bottom line.
American Theft Prevention Products is the leading distributor of Alpha Security Products in the United States. To help select the best product for your location, please call us at 866-416-0999 or email
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