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Cable Lock/Security Plate Package for Small Electronics


For quantities over 300, call American Theft Prevention Products at 866-416-0999.


For Small Products

Combine the deterrence of STOP Security Plates with the physical constraints of an easy to remove steel locking cable.


Dual Protection to Stop Thieves


1. STOP Security Plates

mark equipment with a verifiable registration number, clear warnings, and indelible identification as stolen equipment that renders the equipment useless to a thief. It eliminates the reason for most theft: Resale value.



2. Unique Snap-Lock Cable Lock
designed especially for notebook computers and small electronics. This cable lock features a newly designed anti-theft security lock for people on the go. The newly designed fastener installs in seconds. Just snap the lock into the fastener. No key required to secure the device, only to open it.


Most cost-effective prevention, anti-theft, recovery, and inventory tracking product available

Best of all, registration is transferrable and security plates, glue on fasteners and high strength adhesive gel are available separately, allowing you to reuse your cable on other products.


STOP security plates quickly and easily provide a lifetime of protection for your valuable equipment. By credibly delivering warnings against theft and verifiable weapons against its rationale, STOP security plates remove all incentive to steal your property. Further, inclusion of a 24-hour recovery hotline telephone number, provides an easy way for anyone who encounters stolen equipment to “do the right thing” and return protected items to their rightful owner.



  • Clearly marks equipment with security plate and chemically-bonded tattoo that cannot be removed
  • Removes incentive for theft and aids recovery if lost
  • Unique registration number and bar code
  • Dramatically increased the incidence of recovery
  • Includes
    • STOP Security Plate - Small (2" h x .75" w)
    • 6-foot steel locking cable with two keys
    • Glue on Fastener - 2.3" x 1"
    • Alcohol cleaning swab
    • Tattoo Activating Gel
    • 3 gram Instant High Strength Adhesive
    • Transferable registration
    • 24-hour toll-free recovery hotline
    • Web-based Asset Tracking database


Here's how it works
(for illustration, images show standard plate)

STOP Security Plates with unique barcode identification



If someone attempts to remove the security plate, it permanently marks the equipment as stolen.

STOP security plate makes resale of stolen laptops difficult


 *This product is taxable in Illinois (10%) and Connecticut (6%)

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