Spider Webs provide breakthrough security for even the most irregular-shaped packages.
Alpha’s Spider Webs will surround your hard-to-secure merchandise with a web of protection. The unique multi-strand, steel cable, mesh bag presents an excellent visual deterrent that allows open merchandising without the risk.
- Bag expands to fit your package
- Won't impede graphics
- Reusable
- Easy application and removal
- Cable alarms at gate
- Available in both AM (i.e. Sensormatic) and RF (i.e. Checkpoint) compatible EAS systems
To determine the correct size determine girth:
Girth = Package Length + Package Width + Package Depth
Use Loading Fixture to package, and Alpha's S3 handkey to open.
Packed 25 per case
Girth Capacity |
Alpha Prod. No |
15" Spider Web |
up to 21.25" |
17" Spider Web |
up to 23.25" |