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InVue Series 1060 Retracting Alarm & Stand

InVue Series 1060 is flexible and easy to install
InVue S1060 Alarm/Power/Recoil
InVue Series 1060 alarm with optional general purpose stand
InVue S1060 allows you to securely merchandise accessories
InVue S1060
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INV S1060
Due to manufacturer's restrictions, this product may not be sold online. Please call 866-416-0999 for options and pricing.
Additional Info
pdf InVue Series 1060_AmTheft compressed.pdf (770.9 KB)

Now there's a hidden cord solution that can help protect consumer electronics and accessories.


InVue's "Easy Pull" tm recoiler provides a smooth, consistent pull and fexible movement.

Powered/Alarming Accessory Port - makes the InVue S1060 the ideal solution for co-merchandised displays that inclue high value accessories


Designs for

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets


Select your Level of Protection

  • Alarm Only - loud 100 dBa alarm
  • Power and Alarm
  • Alarm on both the sensor (product) and stand provides superior protection.
  • Adjustable Bracket Arms for added security
  • Total Lockdown availablity
  • Use with the InVue IR security environment


Install your way

  • Fully above counter adhesive
  • Thru counter



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Due to manufacturer's restrictions, this product may not be sold online. Please call 866-416-0999 or email info@AmTheft.com for pricing.

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