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The Shoplifter (1964)


"...But many merchants don’t guard against these hands. Even though they annually steal two billion dollars. More than all the nation’s burglars and stick up men combined.  They are the hand of the Shoplifter…."


That's the style you'll find in this dvd reproduction of a genuine 1964 training film on shoplifting. Sure, some of the numbers are no longer accurate, and the images of transistor radios, early Beatle albums, Viceroy and Pall Mall cigarettes being stolen date the film. But that's exactly what makes this so appealing. The dramatic intro and background music whose style you'll recognize as typical of the times...the classic dress, serious talk.


And don't miss one of our favorite scenes...a woman putting a large electric shoe shine machine under her dress and walking out.

You'll enjoy this movie. You'll chuckle. But behind the early 60's look is some real information. It's a great way to begin an effective anti shoplifting training session.



Exclusively from American Theft Prevention Products, Inc.


Length: 19 minutes

Format:  DVD


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