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Lock It! Alarm It!

The original lock with alarm.  

Lock Alarm offers a variety of intelligent security solutions for home, commercial and retail facilities and while on the road.

Unlike ordinary locks, the Lock Alarm includes an ear piercing alarm,.  Attempting to cut through the lock will start the alarm screaming, attracting attention and scaring away potential thieves.

Built with patented 'intelligent' technology, the Lock Alarm is designed to alarm only when and attempt is made to attack the device, without false alarms.

As an added bonus, Lock Alarms are weather resistant, making them great for indoor or outdoor use.

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 Product(s):
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Lock Alarm Maxi

Ultra Hard Cable
4 foot cable

  • 110 Decibel Alarm
  • Indoor/Outdoor Use
  • Flashing LED
Lock Alarm Padlock

Ultra Hard Zinc Alloy Casing 
110 Decibel Alarm

  • Doors
  • Gates
  • Tool Boxes
  • Weatherproof
U Shackle Lock Alarm

Large U Lock Alarm
100 Decibel Alarm
Flashing LED Warns Thieves

  • Doors
  • Gates
  • Bicycles
  • Scooters and Cycles
  • and more
Heavy Duty Lock Alarm from American Theft Prevention Products

Ultra Hard 3/4" Steel Cable
110 Decibel Siren
Flashing LED Deterrent

  • 28" and 48" lengths
  • Scooters & Motorcycles
  • Bicycles
  • ATV's
  • Garden Machinery
  • Construciton Equipment
  • Trailers/Boats
  • and more
$69.95 - $79.99

Lock Alarm Key Replacement Policy
Lock Alarm does maintain a key replacement service. For security reasons, replacement keys will only be issued to users who have retained proof of purchase or have previously registered their key number via Lock Alarm's website, by email or by post at the time of purchase. 

Please note this is NOT an emergency or express service. Keys will be sent by standard airmail and you should typically allow up to 4 weeks for delivery (longer for more remote destinations). On certain occasions keys matching your required code may not be immediately available, in which case there will be a short delay before your keys are sent. On extremely rare occasions keys with your required code may no longer be available. It is therefore strongly recommended you separate the keys immediately after purchasing the product and keep one key in a safe place or with another trusted person, and only rely upon the replacement key service when time is NOT of the essence.  The key replacement service is handled by Lock Alarm, not American Theft Prevention Products Inc. Information is included with your product documentation.



If have any questions regarding Lock Alarm products, or if you don't see the product you need, please contact American Theft Prevention Products at 866-416-0999 or email us at info@AmTheft.com.

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