Stolen laptops are and other portible items are recovered from pawn shops, repair shopls, onilne auctions, police facilities and victums of illegal sales.
Experience has shown that laptops that might otherwise have been kept by the person finding it are usually returned when its rightful owner is clearly visible. According, to STOP, the manufacture of the STOP stop security plates offered by School Theft Prevention, "eight out of every ten lost laptops are returned to the 5,000 companies worldwide that use the STOP system.
Tagging equipment provides several beneifts
Deters theft - theives are less likely to steal what they can't resell.
Eliminates Illicit Resale Value - marked equipment is clearly tagged and registered. Even it the theif can get the chemically bonded security plate off (it would take about 800 lbs of effort), there's a 'tattoo" under the label with an toll free phone number for equipment recovery
Increases Chance of Recovery - Equipment is registered, and there's a 24-hour recovery hotline. This makes it easy for anyone who encounters stolen merchandise -- police, pawn shops, good samaritans -- to "do the right thing" and return protected equiment to its owner.
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